
The Ryukyu Dojo is run by Grandmaster Will Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham has been training in various forms of Martial Arts since September  16th, 1968. He has Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do (Korean Karate), Shotokan (Japanese Karate), Ryukyu Kempo (Okinawan Karate), Modern Arnis (Filipino Jujitsu) and Small Circle Jujitsu (American). He currently is host to several major Martial Arts events (for education not competition) in the Indianapolis area. He also teaches seminars to both Martial Artists and non-Martial Artists all over the US, United Kingdom and Europe. He is featured in three of his instructor’s books demonstrating techniques. Mr. Higginbotham currently holds the rank of 10th Degree Black Belt.